April 25, 2024
City of danville

(BWA LIFTED) Ongoing water line repairs in Perryville

Ongoing water line repairs in Perryville-  BOIL WATER ADVISORY LIFTED 4-9-24

As part of a major initiative to expand water capacity and improve service to residents in western Boyle County, including Perryville, the City of Danville is placing a new waterline along US 150 which will extend to the Washington County line. While crews are working to maintain service to this area, disruptions may occur due to the nature of the project, uncovering aged infrastructure, and transferring the function of existing lines to those being installed.

When service is disrupted, it is also important that we ensure that quality of the water once it is restored so residents may experience more Boil Water Advisories than normal. These advisories are issued once service is restored as a precautionary measure to ensure regulatory compliance and safe drinking water.

We do apologize for the inconvenience these disruptions and subsequent Boil Water Advisories may pose. While we are confident this project will improve the quality of service to the area, there may be periodic disruptions along the way.

UPDATE: 04-09-2024 03:55 PM

A BOIL WATER ADVISORY that was issued on 04-08-2024 10:00 AM has been LIFTEDfor customers of Danville Water Works in the area of: Everything west of9445 Perryville Rd. to the Washington County Line.

The situation has been corrected and test results have shown the water to be ofan acceptable quality. You DO NOT need to boil water used for drinkingand cooking any longer.

For more information concerning the Boil Water Advisory, please contact the city of Danville water office at 859-238-1200 Monday through Friday from8:30am-5:00pm or the Danville water plant at 859-238-1241.

DATE ISSUED: 4-8-2024 @ 10:00 AM
A BOIL WATER ADVISORY is in effect forapproximately 1200 consumers of Danville Water Works in the area of: Everythingwest of 9445 Perryville Rd. to the Washington County Line. The advisory has been issued due to: Unplanned Repairs. Following such an event, the potential exists for bacteriological contaminationof the water supply, therefore this Boil Water Advisory has been issued as aprecautionary measure. Until further notice, boil all water used for drinking and cooking, bringingthe water to a rolling boil for three minutes before using. The advisory will remain in effect until the situation has been corrected andtest results have shown the water to be of an acceptable quality. For more information concerning the Boil Water Advisory, please contact thecity of Danville water office at 859-238-1200 Monday through Friday from8:30am-5:00pm or the Danville water plant at 859-238-1241.

See Map: Danville Boil Water Advisory Application (

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