April 2, 2024
City of danville

Michael M Smith Park Improvements

Michael M Smith Memorial Park on J.E. Woods Drive is a critical recreational and gathering space in the community.  Improvements to the Park will be rolled out over the next few years to completely revamp and revitalize this important and beautiful space.

The Michael M Smith Park project is now underway, and the first phase of the project is expected to be complete by Summer 2024, for all to enjoy.
Improvements to the park include a new playground, splash pad, entrance improvements and a parking lot.

Here's what you can expect: 

Michael Smith Park Splash Pad

Michael Smith Park Playground

The park will remain closed during construction.
We are so excited to reopen this beautiful park to the community this Summer!

Progress (1-11-24)

If you have questions regarding Michael M Smith Park, Please contact the Danville-Boyle County Parks & Recreation team at 859-238-1233.

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